Students Should Feel Empowered!

Lesson and Reflection

Teaching Video (6th & 7th Grade)


The following are time-stamps of strengths:
  • 0:02 - Setting expectations (daily instructions written on board)
  • 1:45 - Acknowledging the students for knowledge retention
  • 1:55 - Introduce an additional method of pitch identification; allowed student to physically show this
  • 4:15 - I encourage students to create/use their own mnemonics
  • 5:10 - Light play with the students, create fun environment
  • 8:30 - Clarified the fingerings for the worksheet
  • 10:20 - Allow teamwork/collaboration
  • 11:30 - Checked that students understood the worksheet directions
  • 13:20 - Check for understanding as a class; correlated pitches with appropriate fingerings

The following are time-stamps of weaknesses:
  • 0:35 - I don't feel that I transitioned very well into this review (question maybe too vague, too specific?)
  • 1:10 - I could have been a bit more specific in forming the question
  • 2:45 - I could have reinforced the importance of the spaces
  • 3:20 - Not sure this is necessarily a weakness but I like to insert small tangents, makes the lesson a bit more interesting
  • 7:30 - I feel I could have explained the fingerings a bit better, I felt like we were taking too long and wanted to finish this exercise

In conclusion I felt this was a successful activity. This particular class was just introduced to reading pitches the week prior and they were able to demonstrate this well. Afterwards we reinforced this by performing exercises from our curriculum "Essential Elements" by Hal Leonard. I would like to continue with this concept and expand it to include ledger lines. I also would like to explore interval relationships and how they can count distances between lines or spaces to facilitate reading pitch.

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